Liebster Award.

I’m breaking tradition here and posting something completely unrelated to my Whole30 experience. Because yesterday, I received a message from the lovely Aoife from fashionandfairydust letting me know that she’d nominated me for the Liebster Award. I’m such a blogging newbie that I had no idea what this was, but apparently it’s an award given to upcoming bloggers with less than 200 followers. To be honest I’m quite surprised that I even have any followers, seeing as I created this blog more as a diary for myself and a place where I could be held accountable over the last 30 days.

But, I’m very flattered and thought this would be a nice way of introducing the other aspects of myself to the world- not just the wannabe Cavewoman in me. So thanks again, Aoife! 🙂

Official Rules:

1. Each person tagged must post 11 things about themselves.

2. They must also answer the 11 questions the ‘tagger’ has set for them.

3. They must create 11 more questions to ask bloggers they have decided to tag.

4. They must then choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers and tag them in their post.

5. These lucky bloggers must then be told.

6. There are no tag backs.


11 things about me…

1. I was born to a Japanese mother and white Australian father- but I don’t really feel like either. I feel like I belong in Hawaii, if anywhere.
2. As a kid, I was obsessed with freaking myself and my friends out with all things supernatural and extraterrestrial. Weirdo, I know.
3. But at the same time, I’ve always LOATHED those silly ghost train rides at the local show. Yeah, go figure!
4. I’m a sucker for old school, corny, R&B..
5. My secret talent is skipping- as in jump rope. I was in a demonstration team as a youngster and would go to other schools showing the kiddies how it’s done.
6. I’ve lived in 4 cities in my lifetime- from 3 different continents.
7. I met my boyfriend in the dodgiest backpackers pub in my hometown almost 6 years ago. Not the most romantic of meeting places, but hey, I’ll always be indebted to that place.
8. I’ve always preferred reading non-fiction to fiction.
9. I’m a woman, but I don’t like shopping. It tires me out.
10. In high school, I wasn’t the cool girl or the nerd. Weird, maybe? My friends and I would spend our lunch breaks all plugged into our discmans, swapping CDs and talking shyeet.
11. I have one younger brother. Always wished I had a sister, although I’ve known my childhood best friend since we were 2 and we’re practically sisters.


Questions From fashionandfairydust:

1. When and why did you decide to start blogging?

I decided to start blogging on the 31st of July. Just over a month ago. Because I was starting the Whole30 program, I wanted to create some sort of diary to track my progress and to keep myself from falling off the wagon.

2. Where do you wish you were right now?

I don’t really wish I were anywhere, right now. Pretty content where I am, here in the South of Brazil. 😛

3. What is your favourite thing to do at the weekend?

Well at the moment I’m not working, so my weekends don’t differ much to my weekdays. I used to looooove going out for dinner and hitting the beers, but because I’m in the process of trying to regain my health, spending time by the ocean probably fills that place right now.

4. What is your favourite trend for Fall 2012?

I’m sorry, I’m completely fashion ignorant.. I have no clue as to what’s currently in vogue.

5. Who is your style icon?

Style wise, I like the natural, eclectic look. Erykah Badu comes to mind.

6. What was your best celebrity encounter?

Growing up in Australia, I don’t think I’ve had many celebrity encounters. Did serve the crew from Nine Inch Nails when I was a waitress a couple of times, though. That was pretty crazy!

7. What is the most annoying thing to happen to you recently?

I got chicken pox last year. At age 24, I finally caught it (no idea how). It left me with a few pock marks on my face, which is superficial, but super annoying! 😦

8. Sky-diving or scuba-diving?

Scuba-diving.. I love the sea. No actually I’m just a wuss.

9. Favourite comfort food?

Don’t even get me started… so many to be able to pick a favourite. Although nothing soothes me like Japanese rice, natto and miso soup. It’s in my roots.

10. What is the best concert you’ve ever been to?

The first concert I ever went to. Destiny’s Child in 2000. FOR REAL.

11. One item you regret buying, and one item you regret not buying?

I regret buying a brand new Mazda a couple of years back. We only had it for two years, but had to end up selling it and paying it off as well.

I don’t regret buying my Nikon D7000. It’s my baby and gives me so much joy.


My Questions for You:

1. Describe yourself in one word.

2. Where lies your passion?

3. Sweet or savoury?

4.What’s your pet peeve?

5. Who inspires you?

6. Music which gets you movin’?

7. What scares you the most about the world?

8. One thing you can’t leave the house without?

9. Are you an optimist or pessimist?

10. Leader or follower?

11. Any secret talent?


My Nominees:


Joy. Journey. Jotter.

Step Into The Silver Rain

Paleo Packer Fan


Forcing Myself Happy

Simply Sands


Sweat Every Day

Mado Goes Paleo

Sick City Windows


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